




To develop and excel as a centre of excellence, imparting quality technical education, supporting research and developmental activities, generating competent and skilled young potent engineers to face the ensuing scientific, technological, managerial, ecological and societal challenges of the world as a whole and the nation in particular with a high degree of credibility, integrity, ethical standards and societal concern.   To strive continuously for excellence in the field of technical education for serving the society, nation and world through excellent teaching, learning and living ambience.  

“I wish all success and urge to pray daily for all the good works planned for the college’s fulfillment”
Our Beloved Bishop
Rt. Rev. A. DHARMA RAJ RASALAM (Chairman and Manager)




Mega Job Fair

John Cox Memorial CSI institute of Technology in association with G-TEC is organizing a mega job fair on August 25th 2013 at the college campus. Around 23 IT/ITES companies are participating. 2013/12/11 batch B Tech/MBA/MCA/Degree/Graduate students can participate. Registration free. Reporting time 9.00 AM
For company details click here

John Cox Memorial C.S.I Institute Of Technology, Kannammola, Thiruvananthapuram with G. O. (MS) No. 124/09/H.Edn dt.3.8.09 Govt. of Kerala and affiliated with AICTE F. No. 06/06/KER/ENGG/2009-10/020 dt. 30.6.2009, Govt. of India, is functioning under the administrative control of the Society for Technical Training (STT) of South Kerala Diocese (SKD) of Church of South India (CSI), which is an educational agency fully owned and controlled by South Kerala Diocese (SKD) . The management of the institution is vested with the Governing Body and the Executive Committee headed by the Rt. Rev. A. DHARMA RAJ RASALAM, as Chairman & Manager. Dr. R. L. Rag as the Director. The constitution of the Executive Committee and Governing body is under charitable societies Registration Act XII of 1955. The institution is approved by AICTE and affiliated to the University of Kerala Thiruvananthapuram for its academic programs.





Grievance Redressal Committee


Tuition Fee Waiver




Measures for preventing ragging


News & Events

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